I had a requirement in one of my latest project to add a product to woocommerce cart when submitting a Gravity form. ie an user customized product. Here it is how I achieved that.
use the gravity form pre submission hook.
add_action("gform_pre_submission", "cp_add_product_to_wc");
Then in the function get the gravity form filed values and push it to the woocommerce cart
function cp_add_product_to_wc($form){ global $woocommerce; //Get your product details from gform $product_id = $_POST["input_1"]; $nos = $_POST["input_3"]; $variationid = $_POST["input_3"]; $spec = array(); $spec['Dimension'] = $_POST["input_4"]; //user selected Dimension $spec['Color'] = $_POST["input_5"]; //user selected color $woocommerce->cart->add_to_cart( $product_id ); //simple product //for product with variation other details $woocommerce->cart->add_to_cart( $product_id, $nos, $variationid, $spec, null ); }
Happy Coding 🙂